I’ve talked a lot about why I love film, love shooting it, and so I want to spend a little time talking about why I think YOU should love film. Which is to say, why film is the best choice for you as a client.
It all comes down to one thing – film is intentional.
Every shot is intentional. Ever heard the phrase “spray-and-pray”? It refers to a shooting strategy, often employed in fast-paced situations, where you just click continuously until the session is over and trust that, when you wade through the resulting mountain of photos, you’ll find enough photos ones enough to keep. I used to do it, and it works, but boy is it a stressful and time-consuming approach.

Since every frame costs money, you’ll never catch a film shooter doing that. That means I have to be sure every time I click the shutter, and the result is that my photos improved drastically when I switched to shooting exclusively film. That switch is what made me want to share my film photography with you!
What does that mean for you?
- All the photos you need, none you don’t. You get a manageable collection of images (think 50, not 500) that are all different and showcase different aspects of who you are and what you do. Whether it’s a family shoot or branding, you don’t need half a dozen versions of essentially the same photo, from *slightly* different angles. Each frame is chosen with intention, because it represents an important aspect of you, or because it will serve your needs.
- Slower pace = less stress (for everyone). I don’t like to be rushed, and I don’t think a frantic pace makes for the best work. So I take my time and I create space for you to take your time, too. I check the corners of the frame before clicking the shutter. If something in the scene needs adjusting, a take my camera down from my eye, make the adjustment and then take the photo. This means every photo is exactly what I want it to be. It also means there is plenty of time for you to breathe, relax and get in the groove of the shoot. You’ll see my face (it’s a reasonably friendly face!) not just a stranger hidden behind a camera.
- Quicker turnaround = more value. This might seem counterintuitive at first, on account of the whole mail-the-film-to-the-lab bit. But thanks to the wizards at said lab, film scans require very little editing, so you and I spend less time waiting for scans than you’d spend waiting for me to edit hundreds of digital images. Ultimately this means that more of your investment is spent focusing (literally!) on you, and not on my computer screen
I’ll be back soon with more reasons to love film (there are so many! I’ll never run out!) If you’d like to read more about what I love about film, Why Film? Pt 1 is here.

Questions about whether film is right for you? Gimme a shout!