Raised in the Boreal forest and now based in the Pacific Northwest, I’m a film shooter, seed saver, bread baker, beach trail hiker and condiment lover. In short, a femme of simple pleasures. I like things that have stories.
Stories are everything, and I think nothing preserves them better than committing them to film negatives and printing them on beautiful paper.
Stories are how we organize our lives and understand our history. They’re the threads we hold onto through change and upheaval, and they’re how we remember the imprint of a feeling long after the moment has passed.
For the most part, your story isn’t big, crashing events. It’s a lot of little things joined together. Each photo is one of those links, one moment in time.
Holding onto the best in ourselves is not easy. A good photo can make it a little easier. Almost everyone who hires me tries to warn me about how bad they are at having their photo taken, how un-photogenic they are. Give me a roll of Kodak and my Hasselblad and I’ll show you there’s no such thing.