While all babies are the best babies, this newborn family session is a very special one for us over here. This impossibly adorable baby is our niece, Lola Mae!
She was born just days before full self-isolation protocols went into effect, so plans for a newborn shoot were derailed a little, and while we got in just under the wire and got to meet the wee bairn right away, it was a few weeks before we were able to get together for an appropriately distanced backyard family photo shoot.

Look at those cheeks! Those rolls! That shock of hair! She is already growing like a weed (95th percentile for both height and weight. GOOD WORK, TEAM) and I’m stoked for so many more photos as she gets bigger, along with more newborn family sessions all around as the weather gets better. Tis baby season for sure.
She’s already so much more alert than she was as a newborn, and she recently learned to roll over all on her own. It’s wild. We love you, Baby Lola!