My dear friend Leah, who is an award-winning poet, editor and professional indexer (indexes are made by actual people! Check it out) has just launched her third book of poetry! So I am taking shameless advantage of the opportunity to post photos in the wild.
This one is still one of my very favourite portraits ever.

And this one is Leah’s favourite and the one that appears in the book. I love it because it really showcases the versatility of film. This is the same roll of film (Ektar, swoon), the same time of day, and about a block away from the one above. The difference is all in where the light is placed and in the decision I make about exposure.

Unlike some film stocks, Ektar doesn’t like to be overexposed into oblivion. If you overexpose just a touch you get glowing skin tones and vibrant colours, reds especially. But if you underexpose a little you get this darker, moodier look that still retains the warmth Ektar is known for. FILM IS THE BEST.
I have been waiting oh-so-patiently for my copy of Moldovan Hotel to arrive int he mail, and if you would also like your very own copy, you can order it here.