As you may already know, queer families bring me such joy, and these two were particularly delightful. Before we met, Nicole messaged me to ask about outfits. As usual I suggested something they’d feel good in and could move easily in. She asked what I thought about each of them wearing a different bright, floral-print dress. Obviously I said PERFECT and knew we were going to get along swimmingly.
Speaking of swimming, near the beginning of the session at Trout Lake I jokingly (sort of) suggested Haivyn go for a swim, to which to which both parties responded strongly, though in opposing directions, and the issue was not dropped until we had wrapped the session. It’s just so hard not to suggest a dip when the summer sun is at its peak and the lake is right there! Duck mites and all! (sorry, Nicole)
We all recovered and I’m so pleased with this batch of photos, and it was an honour to capture two people who very obviously can’t get enough of each other. I love my job.

Trout Lake is such a versatile shoot location, it’s always at the top of my list no matter the season. Have a look here for more queer families by the lake, and here for more babies fascinated by sand. Can we resist babies and sand? No, we cannot.